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Concept: The Lecture-Performance is a business-theatre program where stories of family and romantic life are presented, which work as a metaphor of work relations and touch people's hearts, providing both Humour and Emotion leading to attitude change, and generating an individual inner reflection. As an actor, Raul can play up to 4 characters, changing his body and voice, providing magic and fun to the audience. At the end of the performance, and now as a speaker, a lecture takes place, allowing a connection between the stories and the briefing provided by the organisation. It is a work of relational scope, where people learn to interact emotionally with each other, in a positive way, cutting out negative concepts and stigma.

Goal: In a light way and through laughter and emotion, people learn to live with changes in a healthy and human way. It is a work that teaches them to deal with differences and to realise the importance of reinventing themselves on a daily basis, reflecting on their attitudes and focusing on what is really important in their lives, both at a professional and personal level.

Purpose: This program is designed to be applied in Global Training Actions (allowing the involvement of all the employees belonging to a corporate organisation), General Meetings with Sales, Conventions, and Kick-Off, Motivation Programs for Leadership, Team Building and Events such as Company Anniversaries, Christmas Parties, or other specific actions.

Length: The Lecture-Performance can be programmed according to the availability of corporate organisations (from 40 to 120 minutes).

Please note: as a theatre program, its versatility and functional role will allow it to cover other means other than the corporate. It can be applied in various contexts, within the scope of animation and motivation, such as performances in tourist venues, institutions supporting young and elderly people and also for hospitalised patients. It can be worked on independently or in conjunction with levels I and II of the Emotional and Relational Intelligence Workshop.

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